Duathlon Ultra

Race Fee


RP USD 3.000.000 185

(Early Bird: RP 3.000.000 ) (Early Bird: USD 185 )

Registration Fee : 1,500,000 (deposit 1,500,000 will be refunded later once tracker has returned)

Distance : 1145 Km
Cut Off Time : 5 Days 18 hours
Start : Sentul City
Finish : Artotel Cabin

RUN - Must register separately under Ultra 100km race!
Distance : 102 Km
Cut Off Time : 31 hours
Start : Artotel Cabin
Finish : Artotel Cabin

You understand the unique nature and requirements of competing in an ultra-long distance bike race, by registering this event you are agree that you will be responsible for yourself and have the ability to deal with any problems that may be encountered during the race. You fully understand that you are responsible for overcoming the worst conditions on your own and that it is not the responsibility of the race organization

RP USD 3.000.000 185

(Early Bird: RP 3.000.000 ) (Early Bird: USD 185 )


RP USD 3.000.000 185

(Early Bird: RP 3.000.000 ) (Early Bird: USD 185 )

Registration Fee : 1,500,000 (deposit 1,500,000 will be refunded later once tracker has returned)

BIKE (Person 1)
Distance : 1145 Km
Cut Off Time : 5 Days 18 hours
Start : Sentul City
Finish : Artotel Cabin

RUN (Person 2) - Must register separately under Ultra 100km race!
Distance : 102 Km
Cut Off Time : 31 hours
Start : Artotel Cabin
Finish : Artotel Cabin

You understand the unique nature and requirements of competing in an ultra-long distance bike race, by registering this event you are agree that you will be responsible for yourself and have the ability to deal with any problems that may be encountered during the race. You fully understand that you are responsible for overcoming the worst conditions on your own and that it is not the responsibility of the race organization

RP USD 3.000.000 185

(Early Bird: RP 3.000.000 ) (Early Bird: USD 185 )

F-One Sport
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