Announcement: BTS100 2021 Postponed

Announcement: BTS100 2021 Postponed

Dikarenakan belum meredanya Pandemi COVID-19 maka,

BTS100 5 - 7 November 2021

Kami tunda penyelenggarannya sampai waktu yang belum dapat ditentukan.

Kami mohon maaf, karena hal ini di luar kemampuan kami untuk mengatasinya, dan jika ada perkembangan selanjutnya segera akan kami umumkan.

Terima kasih atas partisipasinya.

Due to the lack of abating the COVID-19 pandemic so,

BTS100 5 - 7 November 2021

We had to postponed the race until an undetermined time.

We apologize, as this is beyond our capability to resolve, and if there are further developments we will immediately announce.

Thank you for your participation.

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